“Our battered suitcases were piled on the sidewalk again; we had longer ways to go. But no matter, the road is life.” - Jack Kerouac

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How about some tea?

“I know not how I may seem to others, but to myself I am but a small child wandering upon the vast shores of knowledge, every now and then finding a small bright pebble to content myself with” - Plato

Term has very abruptly come to an end, and I suddenly find myself with free time. (haven't had that in awhile!) I've been reflecting on how term has been, and I realised that I can just oddly sum it up with one word. Efficient. Gone were those countless days where I spent daydreaming, wondering and wandering. :) It's nice to have some me time now, with a good book and a cuppa tea for company.

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