“Our battered suitcases were piled on the sidewalk again; we had longer ways to go. But no matter, the road is life.” - Jack Kerouac

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Exeter Food & Drink Festival 2010

"One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating." - Luciano Pavarotti

I have an eternal love affair with food. Good food just simply makes my day. Perhaps one day, when I retire, I'll spend all my days cooking, and then perhaps taking pictures of them. :)


Ethan Tan said...

*likes this post*

be sure to jio people when you cook eh!

Jasmine said...

CONFIRM. :P Come and visit the UK la. I'll drag terry and whip up a good meal.